May 1, 2023

Seven yoga poses for kids

While the thought of trying to fit yet one more thing into the day might be overwhelming, following a simple sequence of yoga poses can be a great way to help kids wind down at night or even get them moving in the morning.

UW Health Fitness Center supervisor Karla Bock offers a simple sequence to help kids get moving in the morning, or wind down at night.

See demonstrations of the poses on our YouTube video.

A few tips when performing the poses:

  • Make sure you have enough space to stretch out without bumping into anything

  • Listen to your body: If a pose doesn't feel comfortable, don't force it

  • Hold each pose for three breaths before moving to the next

  • It isn't a race to finish: Move slowly and stay relaxed

Airplane pose

  • Stand tall, facing the long side of your mat. Begin with a soft bend in your knees

  • Reach arms back and lean forward as you lift one leg behind you

  • Keep a soft bend in your standing knee

  • Return to standing, repeat lifting the other leg behind you

Helps with: Balance and concentration

Chair pose

  • Stand tall, facing the long side of your mat. Begin with a soft bend in your knees

  • Lift arms up towards the sky

  • Bend your hips and knees and sit back like you are going to sit in a chair

  • Hold for a few breaths

  • Return to standing

Helps with: Balance, concentration and grounding

Extended child’s pose

  • Begin on your hands and knees

  • Move your knees apart and bring your big toes together

  • Sit back towards your heels, lowering your head and resting it on the floor

  • Keep your arms overhead, reaching forward

  • Relax and breath

Helps with: Tension relief and relaxation

Happy Baby

  • Begin by lying on your back

  • Bring your knees to your belly and hold onto your feet

  • Gently rock side to side

  • Hold for a few breaths

  • Slowly return your legs to the floor

Helps with: Relaxation and calming

Tipping star

  • Begin standing with feet apart and arms up

  • Tip to one side, lifting your opposite leg

  • Keep a soft bend in your standing knee

  • Hold for a few breaths

  • Lower your lifted leg and then tip to the other side

Helps with: Balance and coordination

Tree pose

  • Stand tall, facing the long side of your mat. Begin with a soft bend in your knees

  • Place palms of your hands together in front of your heart

  • Stand on one leg, place your other foot on the side of your lower leg

  • To grow your tree, reach your arms up to the sky

  • Hold for a few breaths

  • Return to standing, repeat with your other leg

Helps with: Focus and balance

Warrior 2 pose

  • Stand tall, facing the long side of your mat. Begin with a soft bend in your knees.

  • Move your feet wide apart and raise your arms up to the side up to your shoulders

  • Turn one leg and point your foot toward the short end of the mat, bend your knee on that leg

  • Look toward your fingers in front of you and hold for a few breaths

  • Straighten your bent leg and return to facing the long side of your mat with your feet wide apart

  • Repeat on the other side, turning the opposite leg toward the other short end of your mat

Helps with: Concentration and grounding